The Blog

How Useful is Community Physio?

What is community physio?

Community physio / physiotherapy / physical therapy comes in many different forms. In essence it involves a physiotherapist coming to visit you in your home, this includes nursing homes and other residential settings. There are a variety of community physio teams, such as urgent response, neuro rehab, specialist wheelchair and amputee teams, if there is a need in the community, then it’s likely that the NHS has a service that covers it. There are also […]

Waiting for the NHS? The benefits of private physiotherapy.

The pros and cons of choosing private physiotherapy over NHS services.

Exploring Evidence: Why Movement and Strength Training Prevail in Physiotherapy

It has been understood for a long time that movement and strength training are the most effective forms of treatment and essential components in the rehabilitation of patients across a broad range of conditions.

From post-surgical recovery to managing chronic diseases and neurological conditions, evidence consistently highlights the significance of these interventions. Yet, for many patients, the power of movement and strength training can be overlooked in favour of attempts to find quick fixes, including passive treatments like […]

What is: The Biopsychosocial model?


The Biopsychosocial model was first conceptualised by George Engel in 1977, suggesting that to understand a person’s medical condition it is not simply the biological factors to consider, but also the psychological and social factors [1].

Bio (physiological pathology) what appears to be the actual physical problem?

Psycho (thoughts emotions and behaviours such as psychological distress, fear/avoidance beliefs, current coping methods and attribution) How is it making you feel? What are the emotions tied up with your situation?

Social (socio-economical, socio-environmental, and cultural factors […]

What is guide: What do physio’s really do?

Have you ever wondered what a physiotherapist does and why you might be referred to one? If you’ve experienced an injury, illness, or disability that has affected your mobility or ability to perform daily activities, your doctor may have recommended seeing a physiotherapist to help you regain function and improve your quality of life.

Virtual Sessions – immediate Answers, The Speed of Online Physio

In today’s fast-paced world, convenience and accessibility are key factors driving innovation in healthcare. One such innovation that has gained significant traction since the Covid pandemic is online physiotherapy.

Protected: Daily Reflecting – University Placements

Reflecting on a student physiotherapy placement in the NHS for leadership.

What is Self Efficacy and Why is it Important for Recovery?

Understanding the role self efficacy plays in physiotherapy and the recovery from musculoskeletal injuries and reduction of pain.

Wait, What? The Current State of NHS Waiting Lists.

The state of NHS waiting lists at last count the wait for non urgent physiotherapy in Sussex is 27 weeks figures are from Oct 2023

Future proof yourself: Over 50’s

Over 50’s ? How to future proof yourself giving you the best chance of keeping mobile and healthy. Fitness is better than weight loss!

Preventing Falls: A Comprehensive Guide for a Safer Future

Preventing falls is aimed at highlighting the risk to the over 50s and the potential life changing effects and how to reduce that risk.

The Green Side of Healing: Reducing physios Carbon Footprint

The green side of healing shows the eco-friendly side of online physiotherapy. How virtual sessions contribute to reducing carbon footprints.

The Community Physio: Could it be online?

A blog by a student physiotherapist who was posed the question; is online physiotherapy as effective as in person? Could it be online?

Future Proof Yourself: The Power of 23 and a Half Hours

Article discussing the merits of 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day to future proof your health against heart disease and other ailments.

Evidence Based Practice

Evidence based practice is the cornerstone of The Physiotherapists practice. Keeping up with the latest research promotes the best treatment.

Future Proof Yourself: Stealing Fitness. Small changes get big results.

From the series Future proof yourself: stealing fitness is how to use your daily life to improve your health without making huge changes

Future Proof Yourself Series: Food, Diet and Weight Loss.

One of a series of blogs about improving your health and wellbeing this one focuses on weight loss and management for overall better health.

‘What is’ Guide to: Shin Splints

One of our What is guide to shin splints, highlights the various conditions that are often called shin splints, symptoms and causes

‘What is’ Guide to : Tennis and Golfers Elbow

Tennis Elbow a What is it guide to the condition along side golfers elbow. details of symptoms and possible treatment options

What Conditions Can Online Physiotherapy Treat?

What conditions can be treated through online physiotherapy? From back pain and sciatica to sports injuries, tennis elbow, plantar and more.

How Online Physiotherapy could be helping the NHS

How online physio is helping the NHS by reducing waiting lists, reducing unnecessary GP appointments and cutting travel times and costs

Common Myths About Injury Recovery

Common myths about injury recovery – Clear evidence based information is the real key to fast and safe recovery for physiotherapy patients

Online Physiotherapy? How does that work?!

How does online physiotherapy work? Is it successful and safe? This blog introduces the concept and explains how it works.