What is community physio?
Community physio / physiotherapy / physical therapy comes in many different forms. In essence it involves a physiotherapist coming to visit you in your home, this includes nursing homes and other residential settings. There are a variety of community physio teams, such as urgent response, neuro rehab, specialist wheelchair and amputee teams, if there is a need in the community, then it’s likely that the NHS has a service that covers it. There are also private physiotherapists that work in the community, either seeing patients who don’t want to join the long NHS waiting lists or providing enhanced services that go beyond the scope of what might be offered.
What does the community physio do?
Depending on the need of the patient and the scope of the team, the community physio will work with the patient to improve their mobility. This might be building on work already done in hospital or it might be to improve balance and stability before an elective surgery. Community physiotherapy ranges from working with complex situations where people have had life changing incidents such as Stroke or an amputation, as well as working with older people who have become frail to improve their movement balance and to help prevent falls. The skills of the community physio are vast and wide!
The session could include anything from practicing transferring from a bed to a chair through to outdoor activities like a shopping trip on the bus using walking aids. The community physio can adapt the session to work on the goals you want to achieve. Having an initial assessment and conversation with your physio will help to establish realistic goals and timeframes.
How do I get in touch with a community physiotherapist?
If you are in hospital or under the care of a medical team then it is likely that you will automatically be referred to the relevant community physio team, it’s worth checking though, it’s also worth checking how long the waiting list is for that team. It can be frustrating to have reached a level in hospital only to go home and then regress whilst waiting for your place in the list. Private physio can often be a solution in these circumstances.
A private community physio might be appropriate where you have reached your original base line; that’s where you were before you went into hospital. They can help you to continue to build your strength, confidence and independence beyond the services you will receive in the NHS.
Can I get preventative community physio?
Preventative community physio is an excellent way for individuals and their family members to improve their situation and to take a proactive approach to frailty or reduction in mobility. It is unfortunately unlikely that you would find this service on the NHS and this is where the private community physio can really be of benefit. Whilst it might seem expensive, it is far more cost effective than providing round the clock home care for a family member that has fallen and broken a hip or pelvis. Not to mention the positive psychological effects of regaining confidence and independence.
In Conclusion
Community physiotherapists can help to improve quality of life and restore movement, function and confidence. Private community physio provides a solution to long waiting lists and provides opportunities for those who want to take a proactive approach to their situation and to those of family members.
Here at the physiotherapists we specialise in community based physio of all types, including neurological conditions, elderly frail and musculoskeletal issues. Call us to discuss your needs and to see if our services are suitable for you.